You have just been bowled over by the death of a loved one and have no idea what your next steps are. What do you do? First instinct is to pull the covers up over your head and wait for the world to go away. We know that is not going to happen, so when you are ready, contact us via our contact form, telephone, Skype or email and book an Estatecare Consultation with A one-hour meeting with one of our professionals will quickly relieve you of the overwhelming anxiety that is piggy-backing on your grief. consultants are caring, knowledgeable individuals who are able to quickly evaluate every situation. They will be able to provide you with advice as to what steps need to be taken in order to quickly and efficiently administer the estate, or advise you as to whether the estate may be subject to probate.

Prior to your appointment, we suggest that you review Duties of an Executor – Checklist so you are prepared with questions or concerns.

For more information as to what our Estatecare program encompasses, and how it may benefit you and your situation, please contact us, or click here to schedule an appointment online via Skype, telephone, in our office, or at your home.

We won’t let you walk alone…..